About Wine InMind
The wine appreciation app made by wine lovers for wine lovers
Wine InMind was developed by people that understand the art and culture of wine appreciation. We believe that one should feel confident when tasting and talking about wine. With our easy to use app and the structured way in which you consider the wine in your glass, you develop a consistent way of thinking about wine.
We have used the wisdom of people with extensive experience of wine appreciation to develop the concepts for this app. For several years we refined our models and even the different descriptors to be aligned with the most up to date thinking in the world of wine tasting. But we also wanted to make it a useful and fun application.
This app allows you to see exactly how you came up with a score, it gives you a record of what wines you have tasted and what you thought about them, and it gives you an indication of the value for money of the wine, all based on your own perceptions and experience.
You can also track how many different cultivars you have tasted (we have a rather sizeable built-in library) as well as how many countries your taste buds visited. We have most of the wine producing countries built into the app and we add new ones regularly. As you taste more wines, we give you an indication in a playful manner of your progress, from starting out as a novice in the app to becoming a real wine app master! You can share your experiences with others and even have friends in the app.
With this app you become the wine judge, standing on the shoulders of those with decades of experience. If you are new to wine appreciation, you have the opportunity to develop a structured and practical way of going about tasting. If you are an experienced wine lover, you will find the simple way to go back to wines you have tasted before, very useful.
We are continuing the development of features and hope to hear from our users about what they like, what we can do better and what they wish would be the next feature.
StoneToStars Ltd